May 15, 2009 20:27
...I miss days when things were far more simple. And when brother had more time for me.
A relief that things would be positive from them for the first time.
event: the tour guides,
Jan 31, 2009 21:22
Nothing will come of this if we idle around. Nothing. We have to go home, we have to understand this. We each have important things to do. People depending on us, or parents missing some of you.
If I can avoid using drastic measures, I'd prefer that... but I will take what I must, if no results come from this.
event: the tour guides,
reversion plot
Jan 30, 2009 17:31
I don't know where this is, but I must implore a way to return to my home. I can't find my SVT...
((ooc; Just to keep MYSELF moving, Belarus is now Belarussia, circa Nazi Occupation.))
event: the tour guides,
reversion plot,